Nautica Soundview Condominiums
At Hewitt & Grand in Everett, WA

Downtown Everett Assessment
In 2017, the Downtown Everett Association (formerly BIA) added Grand Avenue between Pacific and Everett Avenue to the business district. From 2018 to 2020, individual unit owners at the Nautica Soundview Condominiums received assessments from the city to help pay for services that would not otherwise be provided, such as graffiti removal, sidewalk sweeping, and removal of discarded appliances from the alley.
In 2020, the Downtown Everett Association (DEA) proposed to the City Council that the billing process be changed so that instead of sending invoices to unit owners, the city would bill condominium associations, making it their responsibility to collect assessments from their members. The City Council agreed, however, because the city’s assessments are based on value and Nautica’s assessments are based on number of bedrooms, the city’s assessment cannot be ‘rolled in’ with other condo expenses as they assumed.
Following discussions with the DEA, the Board discovered an error in the formula used to calculate the assessments. The city corrected the error and provided a refund to the Association that was used to pay the 2021 DEA assessment for all Nautica units. The remainder of the refund was used to cover the city’s annual cost of living increases, so the amount owed by each owner stayed the same through 2024. This year, owners need to pay the full amount of their assessment based on the percentile assigned to their unit in the table provided by the DEA, see table linked below. This year the Association was assessed $7856.28, see invoice linked below.